Company C, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines
4th Marine Division Association

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Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first,
the lesson afterward. --Unknown


Company C History|| Company C Chronology|| Reunion Information|| October 2004 News Letter||
Individual chronologies of members|| Orvel Johnson's Memories|| Memories by Guy Rowe||
A Letter from Jim Tobin|| Decorations and Commendations|| Colonel Jones Farewell Memo||
Memories of Joe Falcone, Sr. by Joe Falcone, Jr.|| A Father's Day Tribute by Linda Falcone||
Harry Hansen's Letter|| Ships we traveled on|| Company C Killed in Action List||
Recap of Company C Battles|| Henry Hastings Memorial|| Some Memories by Rowland Lewis||
List of the Ships we Sailed on|| Memories of Iwo Jima by Richard Lowe||
Memories of Champ McDaniel||REUNION an essay by Gene Rackovitch
Company C Master Roster

Go to Links for other web sites

[Marine Hymn plays in the background]

Get the mid file!

This web site is dedicated to former C Company members who served with the company during World War II. Their family members are also considered to be part of the "C Company" family. We also welcome visits by the general public. Widows, sons and daughters of former members will be placed on our mailing list, if requested. Our communicator, Russell Gross, publishes a semi annual newsletter (fall and spring) which provides news about our members. In addition, Russ sends out an address list each year so we have current addresses for communication among ourselves. We encourage communications among members on a frequent basis since time is short and tomorrow may be too late. The webmaster is Rowland Lewis, comments and suggestions are solicited. Contact me via Email at Our policy is to respond to email within 24 hours although circumstances may interfere at times. We have no official relationship with the US Marine Corps. Information on this site is either info that is in the public domain or is based on the memories of our members. We expect that our site will be perpetually under construction.

Please sign our guestbook. Click on the alien from outer space to leave us a message or to make a comment. Thanks for your visit, come back again soon!

Click the Alien's face!

There are two types of links on this site. Links to other pages on the site. Clicking on these links will display another page on the site. The other type of link is to another web site. When you click on one of these links you go to that site. The other sites listed here are USMC sites and other sites that may provide information to our members. The best results will be obtained with a fast modem, 56K modem is recommended although 28K modems will probably give acceptable results. If you find broken links on this site please advise me via Email so I can check and either fix or remove the link.

Use GOOGLE to search the worldwide web!!



Company C History|| Company C Chronology|| Reunion Information|| May 2004 News Letter||
Individual chronologies of members|| Orvel Johnson's Memories|| Memories by Guy Rowe||
A Letter from Jim Tobin|| Decorations and Commendations|| Colonel Jones Farewell Memo||
Memories of Joe Falcone, Sr. by Joe Falcone, Jr.|| A Father's Day Tribute by Linda Falcone||
Harry Hansen's Letter|| Ships we traveled on|| Company C Killed in Action List||
Recap of Company C Battles|| Henry Hastings Memorial|| Some Memories by Rowland Lewis||
List of the Ships we Sailed on|| Memories of Iwo Jima by Richard Lowe||
Memories of Champ McDaniel||REUNION an essay by Gene Rackovitch
Company C Master Roster||


USMC Home Page|| USMC Reserve Forces|| 4th Marine Division|| Camp Pendleton
USMC in Japan|| Unofficial USMC Site|| Link to Saipan Home Page|| Link American Memorial Park, Saipan
Link to the Republic of the Marshall Islands|| Link to Maui Chamber of Commerce
Marine Corps Association|| Iwo Jima Info|| 23rd Marines|| Company C 23rd Marines
Veterans Administration|| US Postal Service|| Medicare Info|| Military Personnel Records
National Cemetery System|| IRS Info|| Hotels and Travel|| Maps and Driving Directions
Search for people|| Lottery USA|| Joe Bright's Home Page(A charter member of C Company)
Site dedicated to US Miltary|| Historian Stephen Ambrose's Web Site
Brian Blodgett's Saipan Page|| Vaughn Hampton's pictures of LCIs and other vessels|| Jim DeVine's USMC Page
4th Marine Division Association Website

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This page maintained by Rowland Lewis
Last Modified 05/07/2004